Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just bought my new G-nibs :D I hope I can ink my own drawings in the future. The next step is to buy my own holder and ink.
T_T I 'm having a hard time deciding which figurines to buy... have to passon alot since I don't have the monies T_T Sigh...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I realise that I have a lot of junk which piles up in my cupboard that I don't know I have and when I need to use them I just keep buying new ones and they just pile up ^^' Will try to clear up the mess bit by bit though ^^"
Have a lot of backlog on homework and whatnot nowadays ^^' probably because I read too much manga now that onemanga is going to close down. polished off two series just now ^^'
Well, have to rush all my backlog ^^

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I keep telling myself that their words don't matter, and there's no need to fell anything. But the the hurt keep coming. Now I know how the Malovent Hare feels. I need to be stronger, so their words won't hurt me. But I doubt I can.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Belated Bdae present :D

Thx to TY for the present :)(although its super belated ^^;)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Someone posted a Five for Fighting song on FB(not this one) so I got interested and youtubed on his songs. thought his songs are pretty meaningful :)

His songs also used piano :0 Seems like im a sucker for songs with piano :)  (like The FRAY)

Anyway I haven't been feeling too good lately :(   I don't know. I think I've been very irritable lately, so I'll like to say sorry to those who I might have hurt accidently these few days. And thx to those who's always bearing with me :) I know I'm a pain sometimes.

Have been progressing more with OZ than Memories of Snow lately :P but honestly for Memories of Snow has little plot development compared to OZ :) But I don't want OZ to be a gaggy type of manga or those cliche hero type of manga. I think that manga is an art form (except maybe for hentai) so I want to express my ideals maybethrough manga. Hope you can support me :)

Well... have been wondering lately but how is it like to feel love? I don't know cuz I've nevr fall in love before(of course) but I wonder whether someone like me will ever fall in love and be loved. Have been reading shojo manga but all I get is some crap like "I love you!""I love you too!""Let's get married!"

Honestly I don't think anyone like me will fall in love. I'm proud, I don't say sorry, I don't do things at the right time, and when its a very important time I screw up. I am a Narcissus, I think I'm so good but actually I don't really have anything worthy(like skills) and I slack. Like alot just because I want to avoid doing some things.

Haha, now this looks like a conession to no one in particular. :)